IIT Publications Search

Sensi M., de Oliveira R.F., Berto M., Paradisi A., Greco P., Bortolotti C.A., Samori P., Biscarini F.
How Biorecognition Affects the Electronic Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide in Electrolyte-Gated Transistor Immunosensors
Advanced Functional Materials
Saygin G. D., Greco P., Selvaraj M., Di Lauro M., Murgia M., Bianchi M., Fadiga L., Biscarini F.
Concentration Gradients Probed in Microfluidics by Gate-Array Electrolyte Organic Transistor
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
Article in Press Journal
De Salvo A., Di Lauro M., Rondelli F., Greco P., Fadiga L., Biscarini F.
Flexible organic devices for neuroelectronics
NOD-Workshop – Neuromorphic Organic Devices
Conference Paper Conference
Rondelli F., De Salvo A., Di Lauro M., Murgia M., Greco P., Fadiga L., Biscarini F.
Intracortical Device for Neuromorphic Dopamine Mapping
3rd workshop on neuromorphic organic devices
Poster Conference
Surpi A., Murgia M., Lopez-Amoedo S., Gonzalez-Gomez M.A., Pineiro Y., Rivas J., Perugini V., Santin M., Sobrino T., Greco P., Campos F., Dediu V.A.
Magnetic separation and concentration of Aβ 1–42 molecules dispersed at the threshold concentration for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis in clinically-relevant volumes of sample
Journal of Nanobiotechnology, vol. 21, (no. 1)
Drakopoulou S., Murgia M., Albonetti C., Benaglia S., Borgatti F., Di Lauro M., Bianchi M., Greco P., Papo D., Garcia R., Alessandrini A., Biscarini F.
Nanoscale Quantized Oscillations in Thin-Film Growth Greatly Enhance Transconductance in Organic Transistors
Advanced Electronic Materials
De Salvo A.
PhD Thesis Book
Diacci C., Burtscher B., Berto M., Ruoko T.-P., Lienemann S., Greco P., Berggren M., Borsari M., Simon D.T., Bortolotti C.A., Biscarini F.
Organic Electrochemical Transistor Aptasensor for Interleukin-6 Detection
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Review Journal
De Salvo A., Rondelli F., Di Lauro M., Tomassini A., Greco P., Stieglitz T., Fadiga L., Biscarini F.
Organic Electronics Circuitry for In Situ Real-Time Processing of Electrophysiological Signals
Advanced Materials Interfaces, vol. 10, (no. 34)
Rondelli F., Salvo A.D., Sebastianella G.C., Murgia M., Fadiga L., Biscarini F., Lauro M.D.
Pre-synaptic DC bias controls the plasticity and dynamics of three-terminal neuromorphic electrolyte-gated organic transistors
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, vol. 3, (no. 1)
Lunghi A., Greco P., Murgia M., Viaro R., Guzzo S., Di Lauro M., Fadiga L., Biscarini F., Bianchi M.
Recording of somatosensory evoked potentials by ultraconformable uECoG multielectrode array with 3D PEDOT:PSS micopillars integrated microelectrodes
Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE)
Poster Conference
Sensi M., de Oliveira R.F., Berto M., Palmieri M., Ruini E., Livio P.A., Conti A., Pinti M., Salvarani C., Cossarizza A., Cabot J.M., Ricart J., Casalini S., Gonzalez-Garcia M.B., Fanjul-Bolado P., Bortolotti C.A., Samori P., Biscarini F.
Reduced Graphene Oxide Electrolyte-Gated Transistor Immunosensor with Highly Selective Multiparametric Detection of Anti-Drug Antibodies
Advanced Materials, vol. 35, (no. 36)
Paradisi A., Berto M., Di Giosia M., Mazzali S., Borsari M., Marforio T.D., Zerbetto F., Calvaresi M., Orieshyna A., Amdursky N., Bortolotti C.A., Biscarini F.
Robust Biosensor Based on Carbon Nanotubes/Protein Hybrid Electrolyte Gated Transistors
Chemistry - A European Journal
Article Journal
Bianchi M., Guzzo S., Lunghi A., Greco P., Pisciotta A., Murgia M., Carnevale G., Fadiga L., Biscarini F.
Synergy of nanotopography and electrical conductivity of PEDOT:PSS for enhanced neuronal development
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Article in Press Journal
Bianchi M., Guzzo S., Lunghi A., Greco P., Pisciotta A., Murgia M., Carnevale G., Fadiga L., Biscarini F.
Synergy of Nanotopography and Electrical Conductivity of PEDOT/PSS for Enhanced Neuronal Development
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Article Journal

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